Hey Guys! Tired of borrowing your wife’s pink, frilly, manicure set with 462 pieces to it? What the heck ARE all those things anyway? We just wanna cut our danged fingernails, and maybe smooth them out afterward with a file, am I right guys?Well, ManBasics has got you covered. The Man basics Nail Clipper Set is nothing but (ahem) the “Basics.” You get a fingernail clipper, a toenail clipper, and a nail file. All are made of high-quality stainless steel and come in a rugged faux leather zipper case that would easily fit in your pocket, travel bag, briefcase, desk drawer, etc.The clippers themselves are heavy duty. They give a crisp, clean cut to your nails. We would make one of those crazy, “Let’s run over it with a Hummer,” or “Can it stand up to a blender?” videos, but we are trying to keep this thing affordable guys. We already splurged by adding in the deluxe nail file! Suffice it to say, these puppies are strong! You aren’t going to break them!Look for more products following the “Man Basics” philosophy coming soon!
2 months ago
1 week ago